
Powform's Published Web App Configuration Settings

In today's digital age, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their online presence and streamline their operations. Powform, a leading web app platform, understands the importance of providing businesses with the flexibility to customise their user experience. With Powform's published web app configuration settings, businesses can easily tailor their app to meet their specific needs and preferences. In this post, we will explore the various configuration options available, including the ability to hide or show the Powform app introduction page, set the size of your business logo on the introduction page, hide or show the Powform app submission summary page, and set the number of seconds to wait following a successful Powform app submission before the app automatically refreshes. Additionally, we will delve into the distinction between customer-facing and business-facing configurations, highlighting the benefits of each.

Hide or Show the Powform App Introduction Page

The Powform app introduction page serves as the first point of contact for users. It provides a brief overview of the app's purpose and functionality. However, not all businesses may find it necessary to display this page. With Powform's configuration settings, businesses have the option to hide or show the introduction page based on their preferences. This allows for a more streamlined user experience, eliminating any unnecessary steps and ensuring users can quickly access the core features of the app.

Set the Size of Your Business Logo on the Introduction Page

Branding plays a crucial role in establishing a business's identity and fostering brand recognition. With Powform's configuration settings, businesses can easily customize the size of their logo displayed on the introduction page. This feature enables businesses to maintain a consistent brand image throughout the app, reinforcing their visual identity and enhancing brand recall. Whether you prefer a large prominent logo or a more subtle representation, Powform's configuration settings give you the flexibility to make the right impression on your users.

Hide or Show the Powform App Submission Summary Page

After users submit their forms or applications through the Powform app, they are often directed to a submission summary page. This page provides users with a confirmation of their submission and any relevant details. However, some businesses may prefer to skip this step and redirect users to another page or action. Powform's configuration settings allow businesses to hide or show the submission summary page, giving them full control over the user journey. This customization option ensures a seamless user experience, eliminating any unnecessary steps and guiding users towards the desired outcome.

Set the Number of Seconds to Wait Following a Successful Powform App Submission

In certain cases, businesses may require their app to automatically refresh following a successful form submission. This allows businesses to ensure user submitted data is kept safe and secure. Powform's configuration settings enable businesses to set the number of seconds to wait before the app refreshes back to the beginning, ensuring a smooth transition for both users and businesses.

Customer-Facing Configurations and Business-Facing Configurations

Powform's published web app configuration settings can be categorised into two main types: customer-facing configurations and business-facing configurations. Customer-facing configurations focus on enhancing the user experience and optimizing the app's usability. These configurations include options such as showing the introduction page and submission summary page to ensure all the information required is provided to a new or existing user. A businesses logo may also need to be more prominent to be seen from a distance and the app submission page may need to refresh immediately after submission in order to protect personal customer information during busy periods. By tailoring these settings to meet the specific needs of their target audience, businesses can create a user-friendly and intuitive app interface.

On the other hand, business-facing configurations are designed to streamline internal operations and improve efficiency. These configurations include features like hiding the introduction page and submission summary page, reducing the size of the business logo and the delay following a successful submission. By customising these settings, businesses can align the app with their branding guidelines and optimise the workflow for their internal teams. This distinction between customer-facing and business-facing configurations highlights Powform's commitment to providing a comprehensive solution that caters to the diverse needs of businesses.


Powform's published web app configuration settings empower businesses to customise their user experience and streamline their operations. With the ability to hide or show the introduction page, set the size of the business logo, hide or show the submission summary page, and set the delay following a successful submission, businesses can create a tailored app interface that aligns with their branding and optimizes the user journey. The distinction between customer-facing and business-facing configurations further enhances the flexibility and versatility of Powform's platform. By leveraging these configuration settings, businesses can elevate their online presence, improve user satisfaction, and drive success in the digital landscape.

Highly Configurable - No Coding

Build professional and fast branded e-commerce and customer data collection web apps, no coding experience needed. Scalable solutions that can be built and integrated into your business in minutes.

Powform enables you to create branded, interactive, multi-feature apps for mobile and desktop browsers, including all the smart features you need to collect customer data and payments. With the addition of conditional logic you can provide a more tailored experience for your customers.

Our managed secure database allows you to store and analyse all submitted web app data.

Want to store all app data in house?
App submissions can be directed to other business systems via secure authenticated api services.
Contact us today to discuss your custom branded no-code web apps requirements.

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